Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Various things and tennis as a life metaphor

With enough experience, one (who is observant and not comatose) tends to recognize when not to debate.  Or argue. 

My father loved to argue.  He wasn't angry, nor accusatory.  He didn't raise his voice nor become actually combative...he just liked to argue.  I don't like to argue, especially with someone I care for.  Since I cared very much for him and wanted to converse with him this led to a quandary.  It was worse when he drank.  He didn't have to drink much for this to happen and he wasn't an alcoholic. (Aside - he stopped drinking totally for a year to prove to himself that he wasn't an alcoholic.  He proved that, then resumed moderate drinking.)  It took me a few years to figure out how much he liked to argue.  Before I did, I took his bait and argued back.  He loved it.  I hated it.  I finally learned to change the subject.  After a few subject changes, he figured it out and quit arguing.  It made a much better relationship.

These days there seem to be plenty of opportunities for argument.  I actually do enjoy a debate or perhaps a discussion of different ideas.  The requirement here, though is for both sides to actually know and understand what they are talking about, and to be both civil and intelligent.  I've lived long enough to have experienced many things first hand.  Then I encounter someone (usually a bit younger...okay... a lot younger) who speaks from ignorance with the firm conviction of knowledge.  So....do I correct their obvious ignorance and risk an argument - or simply smile and change the subject?  Having said experience, I decide based upon the circumstance.  I have seen far too many people just jump in with both feet, whereupon the fight commences.

Why is it that so many people these days insist on fighting over everything?  There are some groups who fight simply because they like to fight.  They fight from a position of ignorance or perhaps stupidity.  Some hold to antiquated and illogical beliefs.  Neo-nazis and white separatists come to mind.  Others fight simply to spread anarchy.  Antifa/Occupy/whothefuckknows fills this criteria.  Then there is BLM.  A group lead by racists, who "oppose" racism and expect respect for their disrespect for others.  They wanted dead cops.  When they got that they couldn't understand why other people were upset.  Especially when the dead cops were protecting the protestors.  The next time they need help, let them call a thug.

What is worse is when people won't let you ignore them.  Mike Rowe ran into that this week and did a SPECTACULAR job of demonstrating his heckler was an idiot.  Sometimes I try to avoid those who insist on pressing an unwelcome point.  Some people just won't take "Don't go there" as an answer.  It is never a good result.

Hurricane Harvey drowns Houston.  And a sociology professor posts a statement that it was "karma" for Texas voting for Trump.  Fortunately he was fired.  In Kalifornia he would have been made chancellor. 

Nancy Pelosi proves that the botox injections went too deep:


Hey, San Fran Nan - go home.  You're senile.

How life is like tennis:  A line from an old Spanky and Our Gang song....
                     "Love, in tennis...means nothing."   

Keep on hunting.


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Hate speech and Liberal Logic

Hate speech is the new boogeyman.  It is not protected by the First amendment, according to ignorant liberals. (Yes, I know that is redundant.)  Actually unless it is a specific threat against a person - and believe it or not the current president IS a human - or unless the speech incites a riot or panic - the famous "shouting fire in a theater" exclusion- unpopular speech is exactly what is protected.  In the case of the president the Secret Service is particularly sensitive about threats.  They really don't have any sense of humor about that type of thing.

In the case of our previous president, any criticism of the Dear Leader would result in howls and screams of "racism"; as if being being half black is a free ride to commit any sort of unconstitutional, tyrannical, socialist assault upon our country.  Apparently it is. Barack Obama - protector of Black Panther thugs, gun runner extraordinaire, major funder of moslem terrorism, friend of socialists world wide; a man who never met a tax bill large enough but knew when someone else had made too much money - was defended by the left regardless.  He could do no wrong.  After all, sometimes you have to destroy a country in order to save it.

During the later days of his reign the concept of "hate speech" was presented as a means of silencing anyone who disagreed with the leftists.  It didn't matter if the words did in fact state truth or facts.  If they didn't further the efforts of leftists, then it wasn't to be permitted.  The curious thing is that under laws of libel, truth is the ultimate and absolute defense.  One can refer to the Dear Leader as specified in the previous paragraph with absolute certainty that it would be upheld in a court of law.  Okay, it might take getting past some of the west coast courts to find one where legal decisions are determined by actual legal precedent, but it will be upheld in a real court.  The Dear Leader wrote multiple executive orders ruled unconstitutional, all in the effort to further restrict and regulate the American citizenry.  Unfortunately he wrote many, many others in the same vein that were never challenged.  Still the left hailed him as their hero.

Fast forward to the present.  Donald Trump is called "Hitler", a "Nazi Sympathizer" a dictator, a Fascist.  This is not regarded by the left as "hate speech".  It is regarded as "speaking truth to power".  Let us contrast and compare...

Trump started removing the Dear Leader's restrictive executive orders on the first day in office.  Typically a fascist will increase the power of government and restrict freedoms of business and the citizenry.  The classic definition of a fascist government is one that controls and manages the means of production that are owned privately.  This control pervades the entirety of the nation under the direct control of a dictator.  Mussolini and Franco come to mind.  Trump endeavors to reduce the power of government, yet is called a fascist.  Trump wants to reduce the tax burden on the people, in order to let them keep more of what they earned.  According to left, a person who wishes to keep what they have earned is "greedy".  Taking it away from him and giving to someone else isn't. This is Liberal Logic. Thus they call him a fascist.

Trump has made billions of dollars in real estate development.  He started with a loan of a million dollars from his father which he turned into multiple billions.  That is the same increase as taking a thousand dollar loan and turning it into multiple millions.  According to the left he inherited everything.  Above all, Trump is a capitalist.  Not all of his endeavors were winners.  Some lost a lot.  That is the nature of capitalism.  The opportunity is guaranteed, the outcome is not.  Socialism guarantees the outcome because the opportunity is limited.  With capitalism there will be rich, poor and middle class.  With socialism there is the poor and the ruling class.

Now more contrast:

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions” – Adolf Hitler, May 1, 1927.

Hmmm.  I fail to see the similarity.  Another contrast:  Trump's daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren are Jewish.  Ookayyyy...  We all remember how the Nazi's embraced the Jews....

Examine the quote once more.  Hitler specifically identified as a socialist. This is why Hitler signed a peace pact with Stalin.  They were brothers in socialism.  Socialists, however, are greedy.  They won't tolerate competition in assimilating power, money or control.  This world wasn't big enough for the both of them.  So the next phase of WWII began.

History is written by the winners.  Currently with leftists/socialists/democrats in charge of the school systems history is being re-written to fit their agenda. For decades they have used the courts to redefine the constitution.  There are specific methods of changing the constitution - amendments.  But amendments aren't easy to pass - that's by design.  It's far easier to make changes - actually distortions - to the constitution by utilizing a sympathetic court.

 After all, it is the Alinsky way.

Still hunting....



It's been a while.  Things happen.  Sometimes good, sometimes shit.  Life goes on. 

Since December....some improvements.  Many actually, though some are more visible in retrospect.  I had my knees injected in January '16 with my own stem cells.  Once the borrelia finished snacking on them, I was back where I started.  So I had it done again along with my right wrist and thumb.  Same price - flat rate on all of it.  Insurance wouldn't pay this time.  I guess they wised up.  That's okay.  At least my knees, wrist and thumb work again without constant pain.

I think I turned the corner on my tick infections around February-March.  It was hard to tell due to it being so gradual.  By June I was having at least as many good days as bad.  April and June were hot but I was better able to tolerate the heat and humidity than the previous summer.  I could cool off and restart rather than passing out for most of the rest of the day. 

I started volunteering at a local military museum, primarily restorative maintenance.  It helps to keep me moving, provides some social interaction and challenges the brain.

During the past almost two years the online/ld relationship I had deteriorated.  She kept pushing me further away.  It would get better - slightly - but slip further apart.  And she wouldn't talk about it.  I'm 99% certain she hasn't started another relationship.  What she had done was become politically aware.  A political newbie with all of the answers.  Half of them were wrong and the other half skewed.  I refused to talk politics and even dropped off of my FacistBook page, sneaking back in on occasion to see what she was up to.  That pissed her off.  She wanted to me to have to experience her postings.  Which I had NO interest in.  She would bait me into discussing politics.  I might be slow sometimes...but not stupid.  So she unfriended me.  (That is clue, right there.)

She stopped taking my phone calls except on very rare occasions, and not returning texts for a day, sometimes not responding at all.  It was evident I was being dumped in slow motion.  She had hung up on me, pissed, last February.  And that pissed me off as well.  I didn't call her back.  Nor text.  At all.  She hung up on me, she could damn well call me back. Nothing. I did send her a valentine, which sort of broke the ice.  She did text, saying I had "left".  Hmmmm.....she hangs up on me and never says nor texts a word and I left? 

I could see the writing on that wall.  It was in flaming neon, after all, and I wasn't totally blind.  Close enough to blind that a white cane could be helpful...but I could see that.  Things improved from there.  For that matter simply acknowledging my existence was an improvement.

Three weeks ago I had a big personal improvement.  My cataracts, especially the left one, got so bad that I really was blind in that eye.  So eye surgery was performed.  Left one first, then the right one two weeks later.  The change is ....breathtaking!  Still getting drops six times a day but from 16" to infinity my vision is perfect!  Night time driving is interesting.  Big halos that look like monster sized spider webs surround bright lights.  But at least I can see and READ road signs.  Major improvement.  Things were looking up.  Literally.

Of course that couldn't continue.  After the Charlottesville debacle, my long distance lovely decided that she wouldn't continue being friends with anyone who wouldn't hate Trump.  That included everyone.  Okay, he's a jerk a lot of the time.  He IS doing some things that need to be done.  But I had to HATE him or it was over.  I have been called contrary.   Yeahhh....that's about as nice a way to put it that I know how.  I don't need to be told how to think.  I can do that on my own.  Sometimes it isn't that well done, but I can manage it.  She can hate him all she wants.  What she CAN'T do is tell me who to hate or not, or what to think or not.  Her description was if I "supported" him, she wouldn't stay.  That I had "let her walk away".  Support?  He's a fucking billionaire.  He could support me with pocket change.  I don't work for him, I don't campaign for him, I hate most social media (look how often I keep this page updated.  And it's mine.)  But, yes, I think that he is certainly an improvement over the flaming, radioactive train wreck that was the alternative.  So...she's gone. 

I'll miss her.  I know that.  The two weeks in February were brutal.  The palpitations that the babesiosis/borrellia/RMSF/whothefuckknowselse made me feel like my heart needed a rebuild.  That coupled with the air hunger made life a questionable endeavor.  I don't think (I hope) that it will be as much of an issue this time.  I haven't had either the heart or breathing problems in a couple months.  Sleeping sucks.  Fuck it, sleep is over rated. 

Life goes on.  I just keep hunting.
