With enough experience, one (who is observant and not comatose) tends to recognize when not to debate. Or argue.
My father loved to argue. He wasn't angry, nor accusatory. He didn't raise his voice nor become actually combative...he just liked to argue. I don't like to argue, especially with someone I care for. Since I cared very much for him and wanted to converse with him this led to a quandary. It was worse when he drank. He didn't have to drink much for this to happen and he wasn't an alcoholic. (Aside - he stopped drinking totally for a year to prove to himself that he wasn't an alcoholic. He proved that, then resumed moderate drinking.) It took me a few years to figure out how much he liked to argue. Before I did, I took his bait and argued back. He loved it. I hated it. I finally learned to change the subject. After a few subject changes, he figured it out and quit arguing. It made a much better relationship.
These days there seem to be plenty of opportunities for argument. I actually do enjoy a debate or perhaps a discussion of different ideas. The requirement here, though is for both sides to actually know and understand what they are talking about, and to be both civil and intelligent. I've lived long enough to have experienced many things first hand. Then I encounter someone (usually a bit younger...okay... a lot younger) who speaks from ignorance with the firm conviction of knowledge. So....do I correct their obvious ignorance and risk an argument - or simply smile and change the subject? Having said experience, I decide based upon the circumstance. I have seen far too many people just jump in with both feet, whereupon the fight commences.
Why is it that so many people these days insist on fighting over everything? There are some groups who fight simply because they like to fight. They fight from a position of ignorance or perhaps stupidity. Some hold to antiquated and illogical beliefs. Neo-nazis and white separatists come to mind. Others fight simply to spread anarchy. Antifa/Occupy/whothefuckknows fills this criteria. Then there is BLM. A group lead by racists, who "oppose" racism and expect respect for their disrespect for others. They wanted dead cops. When they got that they couldn't understand why other people were upset. Especially when the dead cops were protecting the protestors. The next time they need help, let them call a thug.
What is worse is when people won't let you ignore them. Mike Rowe ran into that this week and did a SPECTACULAR job of demonstrating his heckler was an idiot. Sometimes I try to avoid those who insist on pressing an unwelcome point. Some people just won't take "Don't go there" as an answer. It is never a good result.
Hurricane Harvey drowns Houston. And a sociology professor posts a statement that it was "karma" for Texas voting for Trump. Fortunately he was fired. In Kalifornia he would have been made chancellor.
Nancy Pelosi proves that the botox injections went too deep:
Hey, San Fran Nan - go home. You're senile.
How life is like tennis: A line from an old Spanky and Our Gang song....
"Love, in tennis...means nothing."
Keep on hunting.
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