Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Iron Law of Bureaucracy

 The late, VERY great Jerry Pounelle deduced the Iron Law of Bureaucracy.  It is proposed thusly:

        Every organization, upon reaching a significant size will be comprised of two groups.  The first group will concentrate on achieving the goals the organization was chartered or organized to perform.  The second group will concentrate on increasing the size, scope and power of the organization itself.  The second group will always dominate the organization.

This is not limited to government bureaucracies; any organization will succumb to this eventuality. Trade unions and labor unions are especially affected, indeed that is the reason for most (if not all of them) anyway. Even the NRA is an example.  Power corrupts.  You know the rest of that.

In the executive branch there are regulatory agencies - the EPA, the FDA - and advisory agencies - the CDC, the NIH. President Trump signed an executive order in his first week of office requiring that any new regulations had to be accompanied by the removal of two prior regulations.  This was a major blow to the typical DC swamp condition. It indicated that he was actually SERIOUS about draining the swamp.

This wasn't a shot across the bow, this was a direct hit on the wheelhouse!  The Deep State, already operating within the politically weaponized FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA and IRS, fell in regiment with the intelligence and enforcement agencies.  The war began in earnest. 

Conservatives can be differentiated from liberals in one basic comparison:  Conservatives typically support smaller governments and personal responsibility.  Liberals prefer large governments and social responsibility. (The conservative view tends to blur once elected to DC, however.)  The liberal wants to blame society or somebody - anybody - for their condition, then use the government to extract their desired result from someone else.  Conservatives usually just want to be left alone.  Liberals love power (granted, so do some conservatives) and will use any method to attain it.  Remember the corollary.

Now apply these two attributes to the Iron Law of Bureaucracy.  Obviously the first group will tend to be conservative - do the work, get it done, go home.  The second group will tend to be liberal - why waste this opportunity (or crisis) without growing the scope of the organization?

Advisory agencies can't use regulation to grow, they must use an opportunity to be noticed and become more valuable to the chief executive.  Covid provided an excellent opportunity to leverage an advisory agency to one of dominance and power. 

And here's where the Iron Law comes into play.  All the agencies have become dominated by liberals. It's like gravity but in reverse.  Conservatives slowly sink into the unnoticed echelons because they aren't fighting for a power position. Liberals rise to the top, grasping for ever more power.

Thus President Trump unwittingly played right into the hands of not just the DC swamp, but also the Chinese Communists' surrogate World Health Organization.  He had to use the resources available to him, but they were all enemies.  Not to do so would open him to even more screaming about not using "expert" advice.  That advice changed direction by 180 degrees several times, but never mind.  it was the President's fault.

That is the advantage of the communist government: no pesky elections to worry about, no nosy opposition party or news media to get in the way.  Like the dhimmicrats, communists consider lying, stealing and murder just another business policy.  

China successfully developed a virus that could be used as weapon.  It was deadly to the elderly, but the Chinese could care less.  It was debilitating to those over juvenile age, exactly the age soldiers are.  The very young were spared.  Perhaps this was just an accident, perhaps deliberate.  Like a feature rather than a bug. Either way the dhimmicrats used the opportunity to continue their assault on the President.  They have missed no opportunity to bludgeon President Trump, especially when creating controversy out of whole cloth.  The question now is whether he can get the evidence of the treasonous activity released before it is hidden by another corrupt, rotten administration.

The vote count continues.


The Snark

Friday, November 6, 2020

Traitor Joe

    If your news sources are restricted to the lame stream media, social media or similar restricted exposure you are unlikely to be aware of the shenanigans of Hunter Biden, Gropey Joe's ner-do-well son. 

After being unceremoniously discharged from the Navy for drug usage (having been commissioned a lieutenant by way of his father's influence) Hunter proceeded to take up with his late brother's widow.  Not being satisfied with her, he knocked up a stripper while continuing his substance consumption.  His sordid history is too long for me to bother to detail here, so let's cut to the chase.

Without any experience in energy, the Ukraine or Ukrainian law, he became a board member of Burisma, a Ukrainian natural gas company with a sordid history of corruption of it's own. So sordid that it became the focus of a corruption investigation by the national prosecutor.  But that jeopardized Hunter's $83K PER MONTH salary (that he received for doing nothing. Other than the being the son of a US vice president.)  Gropey Joe threatened to withhold a $1BILLION dollar loan guarantee unless the Ukrainian president fired the prosecutor. And according to the video tape from the Council of Foreign Relations: "Son of bitch, he did!" He did EXACTLY what President Trump was falsely impeached for doing! In the same country!

Then after to flying with his hair sniffing father to China on Air Force Two, Hunter put together a $1.5 BILLION investment deal with a Chinese bank.  What was Hunter's financial experience? Being Joe's son.  That might have been bad enough.  But Hunter dropped off three laptops for repair, and being stoned, forgot to retrieve them.  The hard drive from one revealed that he had been kicking back at least 10% to his dad.  The same dad who claimed to have NO KNOWLEDGE of his son's business dealing. 

Joe's campaign response to the allegations?  IMPOSSIBLE!  Tax returns show that nothing happened.  WTF?  Since when do criminals report illegal income on tax returns? Perhaps they forgot about Al Capone.  The Feds couldn't get him for illegal liquor, gambling, murder or running hookers. But tax evasion - gotcha!

Just like Hillary before him and all the other dhimmicrats since, everything that they have been blaming on President Trump is what they have been doing themselves.  It's called projection and it is a standard Alinksy technique.  He's RAAACIST! But the Ku Klux Klan is a dhimmicrat organization. He's a NAZI! But his daughter, son in law and grandchildren are Jewish. (Plus he's close personal friends with Israel's PM.)  He's HITLER! But he reduced government over reach and supported the 2nd Amendment. 

All things that the dhimmicrats themselves accused him of, they have been doing for decades. 

Now they have used a ginned up pandemic, designed and released by Ol Joe's buddies in China to steal the 2020 election. 

Joe Biden has been a corporate tool for 48 years.  That's how he's stayed in the Senate for as long as he has. MBNA, the credit card giant, has owned Joe for decades.  He's been their toady. How else? He certainly isn't smart enough to do anything on his own.

Now he's a tool for a different bank.  A Chinese bank. 

That makes him more than just a tool.

That makes him a traitor. Traitor Joe.



The Snark.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

At Long Last, the Proof Is Revealed

 It's been three or so years since my last post.  Usually it takes a certain amount of at least rage or maybe fury to inspire me to renew this blog. Not to say that there hasn't been enough of that...but things have gotten in the way.  Stuff (hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, emergency moves, etc,etc.) Nevertheless the essence of the last post has been vindicated.  Newly released declassified documents from the DNI reveals that (GASP) Shrillery did in fact initiate and buy the Trump/Russia collusion scheme! I'm shocked  - SHOCKED! that it has actually been declassified and released!  

Not shocked that it happened, that was grossly apparent from the start.  Now the question is - will there actually be any ramifications for the actors who committed it? Ramifications such as charges of treason. At least sedition.  Former FBI director Comey testified before a Senate subcommittee.  Amazing that all of a sudden his memory fails him.  Can't remember signing the FISA application. Nor whether it had been substantiated (it hadn't.)  Perhaps he has early onset Alzheimer's.  More likely he doesn't want to catch Arkancide.  At least with Alzheimer's he won't see it coming.  Then again, he likely wouldn't see a bullet to the back of his head, either. But it will be an "unsolved robbery." 

We anxiously await the results of the Durham investigation, likely not to be revealed until after the election. Which really SUCKS!  There are a plethora of individuals that I would LOVE to watch do the perp walk.  Comey, of course. And Strzok. And McCabe. And Weinstein. And Page. Certainly Clapper. And Brennan.  Obozo won't be arrested, nor Shrillery.  Though I would like to see them listed as "un-indicted co-conspirators".

We don't indict former presidents. That is one of the faults that took down the Roman Empire. The infighting and political insurrection distracted the country from the external enemies. But we can certainly tar their "legacy" ( as if Obozo hasn't done enough on his own, not to mention Bill and Shrillary.)   Bill's many trips on the "Lolita Express" down to "Pedophile Island" is yet to be fully revealed.  Epstein found his Arkancide result.  Now whether the jail can prevent the same from happening to Maxwell....well, only Shrillary knows.  So "legacy" has many unresolved implications. 

The conspiracy is quite evident.  A near coup upon the President of the United States.  It started prior to the election then continued until the sham impeachment.  It is more than unlikely that Pelousi, et al will be charged, deserving as they certainly are.  The rest of the rats and hopefully another basket full will be shown marching to the gaol, hands cuffed behind them, hiding their shame...OH! I forgot. They have no sense of shame.  They will be mystified that such could happen to them.  They were only saving the country.  From a man who wished to reduce the government.  To restore the liberties of citizens. Who wants to defend the Constitution. To defeat our enemies and enable our economy.  Obviously a tyrant. 

Another election is upon us.  President Donald J Trump is hospitalized with the Wuhan virus, declared to have a minor (so far) case.  Hopefully so. 

Groper Joe is campaigning from his basement.  The signs of senile dementia are all too apparent.  Having witnessed those effects, I wouldn't wish it even on a dhimicrat.  But it is an equal opportunity destroyer. 

Again, we must wait.


The Snark