Saturday, October 3, 2020

At Long Last, the Proof Is Revealed

 It's been three or so years since my last post.  Usually it takes a certain amount of at least rage or maybe fury to inspire me to renew this blog. Not to say that there hasn't been enough of that...but things have gotten in the way.  Stuff (hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, emergency moves, etc,etc.) Nevertheless the essence of the last post has been vindicated.  Newly released declassified documents from the DNI reveals that (GASP) Shrillery did in fact initiate and buy the Trump/Russia collusion scheme! I'm shocked  - SHOCKED! that it has actually been declassified and released!  

Not shocked that it happened, that was grossly apparent from the start.  Now the question is - will there actually be any ramifications for the actors who committed it? Ramifications such as charges of treason. At least sedition.  Former FBI director Comey testified before a Senate subcommittee.  Amazing that all of a sudden his memory fails him.  Can't remember signing the FISA application. Nor whether it had been substantiated (it hadn't.)  Perhaps he has early onset Alzheimer's.  More likely he doesn't want to catch Arkancide.  At least with Alzheimer's he won't see it coming.  Then again, he likely wouldn't see a bullet to the back of his head, either. But it will be an "unsolved robbery." 

We anxiously await the results of the Durham investigation, likely not to be revealed until after the election. Which really SUCKS!  There are a plethora of individuals that I would LOVE to watch do the perp walk.  Comey, of course. And Strzok. And McCabe. And Weinstein. And Page. Certainly Clapper. And Brennan.  Obozo won't be arrested, nor Shrillery.  Though I would like to see them listed as "un-indicted co-conspirators".

We don't indict former presidents. That is one of the faults that took down the Roman Empire. The infighting and political insurrection distracted the country from the external enemies. But we can certainly tar their "legacy" ( as if Obozo hasn't done enough on his own, not to mention Bill and Shrillary.)   Bill's many trips on the "Lolita Express" down to "Pedophile Island" is yet to be fully revealed.  Epstein found his Arkancide result.  Now whether the jail can prevent the same from happening to Maxwell....well, only Shrillary knows.  So "legacy" has many unresolved implications. 

The conspiracy is quite evident.  A near coup upon the President of the United States.  It started prior to the election then continued until the sham impeachment.  It is more than unlikely that Pelousi, et al will be charged, deserving as they certainly are.  The rest of the rats and hopefully another basket full will be shown marching to the gaol, hands cuffed behind them, hiding their shame...OH! I forgot. They have no sense of shame.  They will be mystified that such could happen to them.  They were only saving the country.  From a man who wished to reduce the government.  To restore the liberties of citizens. Who wants to defend the Constitution. To defeat our enemies and enable our economy.  Obviously a tyrant. 

Another election is upon us.  President Donald J Trump is hospitalized with the Wuhan virus, declared to have a minor (so far) case.  Hopefully so. 

Groper Joe is campaigning from his basement.  The signs of senile dementia are all too apparent.  Having witnessed those effects, I wouldn't wish it even on a dhimicrat.  But it is an equal opportunity destroyer. 

Again, we must wait.


The Snark

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