The louder the wails, screams and caterwauling becomes; the more the lamestream media, the Dummycrats and the snowflakes denounce; the more outrageous the insults become, the more DJT is proven correct.
He did miss one thing early on, but corrected it shortly before the fan got slathered. At first he said there was no collusion whatsoever with the Russians in trying to sway the election. He corrected himself to say that there was collusion and that the HRC campaign did it. Oh, the travesty of such a claim! He is surely now completely deranged! The HORROR! The HORROR!
Except....he was correct again.
Dirty tricks are not unusual in politics. "Tricky" Dick Nixon had a crew of pranksters that did just that. However Nixon's crew - as all of the Republican attempts have been - were rank amateurs compared to the Dummycrats. From the local scene to the national, vote buying, voter fraud, ballot tampering have all been part and parcel of the Dummycrat modus operandi.
But the campaign, first the primary race but then the final race of the 2016 Dummycrat Party is absolutely the most blatant example of corruption, distraction and felonious obfuscation in the history of US politics. The most glorious culmination of it all is that Robert Mueller, FBI Director during the Obozo reign, was chosen as the investigator of the "collusion". The most delicious part of it is that he was up to his neck in so much of the shenanigans!
He was picked, not to discover where the bodies where buried, but because he KNEW where they were buried and knew where NOT to search. But Hillary didn't win. WHOOPS!
HRC had many reasons to be apoplectic the night of the election. But while she thinks she's the smartest one in the world, she is only half right. The smarter thing for her to do was to slink quietly away, back to Chappaqua, and STFU. But NOOOO! She and her comrades had to keep screaming about the election and how it was stolen - STOLEN - by DJT and those dirty RUSSIANS! The noise and obfuscation was a desperate attempt to do something - ANYTHING - to keep DJT off balance and perhaps create enough diversion that the people would reject him. Sorry, Hillary, it didn't work.
So now the cat is out of the bag, or at least the witness is allowed to talk. He should be veeery careful. Clintonitis is frequently fatal and he is very subject to being exposed. Mueller, Comey, Holder and even Obozo himself however are exposed in another way. Many (though not all) of their misdeeds are being brought to light.
Mueller now has a specific problem. He was part of the dirty deeds. He has been revealed as not being as pure as the driven snow. He has to work around a very bright spotlight while keeping so many things hidden. He has to at least make a pretense of fairness while shoveling as much crap out through the leak sources as he can. His quandary is that what he is supposed to looking for has turned out to be a unicorn. He has a pile of baloney and knows it. But baloney is a large sausage with many ingredients, many of them unknown, or at least unidentified. This baloney contains (among others) all the previously named conspirators. Granted, they didn't necessarily conspire together, though they could have. Regardless, all of them conspired towards the same goal - President Hillary. Mueller now has to slice this baloney to resemble prime rib. The problem is that he is in this sausage and has to slice it thin without slicing himself. Reveal the ingredients without revealing his own part in it. He likely will try to protect his buddy Comey. But regardless of whom he might try to pin it on - Paul Manafort, John Podesta - he can't predict what the newly revealed witness may present. That has to have his sphincter cranked up tighter than Dick's hatband. If he isn't careful he too, might contract Clintonitis.
Stranger things have happened.
Keep hunting.
the Snark
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