Thursday, November 2, 2017

Where to start?

The rabbit holes keep opening up.  They're larger, deeper and everywhere.  It's getting scary to even go outside. I always carry heavy; now I'm considering carrying double.

Another member of the "peaceful" cult of pIslam decided to go for a quiet drive in NYC.  Except for the screams of "Allahu Akbar" and the screams of the people in the bicycle lane he was driving in, it would have been a normal afternoon.  After murdering eight people and crashing into a special transport bus he was shot (only wounded, dammit) while carrying a paintball gun.  He currently resides in a NYC hospital, gleefully describing his great afternoon.  Other than the getting shot thing, it was great, for him. 

DeBlaiso, Schumer, Cuomo and the rest of the lunatics in charge of that asylum applauded the great immigration system the dummycrats instituted and decried the possibility of a backlash.  They have never noticed that NO backlash occurs after one of Allah's vermin kill actual people. 

One meme I have noticed says "If 1 billion moslems wanted us dead, we'd be dead by now" (have you noticed that they are trying?)  Typical progressive stupidity.  For one thing, only around 700 million moslems (I spell it that way because they hate it) actually want us dead.  For another thing, those particular moslems can't get here to kill us, they can only send their money to do so (and they do.)  Far more the most important point is that we have the US Marine Corps. A particularly effective organization that was originally created specifically to address the moslem menace.  It works, too. 

Our vigilant police departments also do what they can, although too many are disrupted by liberal politicians who somehow think(?) that by coddling such semi-human debris that somehow the violent attacks will stop.  Besides, those polls have protection to prevent such from happening to them.  Which is why I carry.  I can't afford to pay someone else for protection.  When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.  A .40 S&W responds at 1050 fps.

One particular response that tends to just piss me off is the "moral equivalence" reply that so many light brained individuals offer up.  "One terrorist doesn't represent all moslems".  But "the Westboro Baptist Church is typical of all Christians"... or "all conservatives"....or all "white Christians".  First of all, no, not all terrorists are moslem.  Only about 99.8%.  The remaining are simple sociopaths, rather than cultist sociopaths. Second, specify the number of people murdered by members of the Westboro Baptist Church.  Yes, they are obnoxious.  Yes, they should be at least ignored, or my favorite, have a large contingent of bikers intervene in their protests.  Being a biker myself, I feel sure that such a group can provide sufficient deterrent to the WBC participants that things won't get out of hand.  But while a pain in the ass, the WBC aren't murdering thugs.  Furthermore, name the number of Christians that have established murder as their method of demonstrating dominance. 

Here's the catch - while many might name Paddock, McVeigh or even Manson as examples, the actual fact is that NONE of these are/were Christian in either their described faith or rationale of action.  "Allahu Akbar" is pretty much a dead give away.  What the three offered up as "Christian" examples actually represent is  - WHITE MALES.  So the typical hypocrisy/discrimination/bigotry of the progressives are displayed once again. 

I have a personal preference of how to dispose of the current jihadi awaiting trial.  Put a set of leg irons on him and set him on a NYC street corner.  Next to him place a 5 gallon bucket full of lard which also contains 20 pieces of 3 foot long #4 rebar.  Announce to New Yorkers that if he can make it two blocks that he will be granted a free ride back to the hell hole he came from.  The populace is free to "motivate" his progress with the rebar.

All I ask for is pay-for -view rights.  I have no inclination whatsoever to actually watch.  But I'll cash the checks.

Me, pissed?   Naaaah.


the Snark

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